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Dr. Genevieve Newton: The Art & Science of Teaching & Learning

Meet your professors

Dr. Genevieve Newton

“There’s a sea change in education right now,” says Dr. Genevieve Newton, professor in UofGH’s Kinesiology program.

“In reading the popular press, every day there seems to be another article about some massive overhaul that’s either happening or being talked about. We’re at a tipping point now where we’ve acquired enough research that we have to take a look at it.”

The ‘it’ that Dr. Newton is referring to is pedagogy itself. Or, the art and science of teaching and learning – with an emphasis on the science.

“Research has shown that there’s enormous value in engaged learning, in experiential learning, in active learning. That the way we’ve been doing things for the past 60 years may not be the most effective way. And that speaks to our programs here at UofGH.”

Much of Dr. Newton’s research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning; gathering data related to case-based learning, knowledge transfer and translation, how innovative teaching methods affect a student’s ability to perform at higher levels of cognitive challenge, how new technologies can impact learning – and, most importantly, measuring impact.

“The ultimate goal isn’t just about having students learn more effectively. I want for that to translate into a change among the general public. I want for my students to engage with what they’re learning so that they can carry with them problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills when helping future clients.”

“I’m passionate about this because I’ve experienced it. That’s how I ended up here. I don’t think anyone knows what will happen over the next 20 years – but in the meantime, there has to be value in coming to my class.”


Dr. Newton holds a Bachelor of Science from Laurentian University, a Doctor of Chiropractic from the National University of Health Sciences, a Master of Science and a PhD from the University of Guelph, in Nutritional Sciences.

She has worked as a chiropractor and a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Waterloo. She’s currently a professor in UofGH’s Kinesiology program.


Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
Nutrition and Cognitive Function
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Knowledge Transfer and Translation