New Testing Accommodation and Submission Process
To help streamline the coordination of tests and exams for students with accommodations, effective Fall 2021, University of Guelph-Humber students will now work directly with their instructors to coordinate their required testing accommodations. This change is in accordance with Humber College’s Testing Services protocols.
Note: Instructors and students will no longer need to contact the Faculty Support Officers for the coordination of tests or exams written by students who require testing accommodations
Please refer to the student and instructor responsibilities below in this revised process.
A flowchart outlining the revised process can be found here.
Student Responsibility
Notify your instructor each time you want to use your testing accommodations. Please notify your instructor by email for recording purposes. Upon emailing your instructor, ensure you confirm the following:
- The date and time of your test/exam
- The length of the test/exam
- Access timeframe to the test/exam, if applicable
- The accommodations you will use as listed on your accommodation letter
- Note: You must notify your instructor(s) 2 weeks in advance of your scheduled test or exam, not the day of.
Test/Exam Accommodations Provided via CourseLink/D2L
- Most tests and exams can be written online via CourseLink/D2L
- If you require standard accommodations such as extra time, a calculator, memory aid, formula sheet. electronic format, etc., you can write your test/exam via CourseLink/D2L. Your instructor will make the necessary adjustments within CourseLink/D2L to provide the accommodation(s).
Test/Exam Accommodations Provided in Testing Services
- In some circumstances, accommodations will involve the use of a private room, reader/scribe, special equipment, or software. In these cases, your instructor may arrange with you to write your test or exam in person at Testing Services
- If writing in-person at Testing Services, you must book your exam via the Testing Services RegisterBlast Scheduling System
- Ensure you have all the test/exam information required, as noted above, before booking your exam
- Ensure you arrive at Testing Services, 15 minutes before your scheduled time to write, with a piece of ID (i.e., student card or government photo I.D.)
- If you are using Testing Services, make sure to review the hours of operation for the day you are scheduled to write your test. Take into account your accommodation for extra time (if applicable), when calculating what time you should arrive at Testing Services so that you have adequate time to complete your test before Testing Services closes. You can find Testing Services’ hours online.
Memory Aids
- Remember to submit your Memory Aid to your instructor at least 1 week in advance of your scheduled test or exam for approval
- Only your instructor can submit an approved Memory Aid to Testing Services to use during your exam.
- Memory Aids submitted by students will not be accepted by Testing Services