News and Announcements
SERC-GC hosted its first International Symposium, held virtually on April 8, 2022. The theme of the symposium was Operationalizing Value Creating Education for Global Citizenship Across International Milieus. The objective of the Symposium was to provide an international forum for sharing recent research, pedagogy/andragogy, and practical applications related to how value creating education manifests in educational and community environments, with an emphasis on, but not limited to, global citizenship.
SERC-GC’s first two research projects are presented in the recently published journal article Sherman, P., & Boukydis, O. (2020). Framing Undergraduate Perspectives on Experiential Learning Within Soka Education Theory. IAFOR Journal of Education: Undergraduate Education, 8(3).
SERC-GC’s latest research can be found at:
Sherman, P., & Boukydis, O. (2023). SGI Canada Educators’ Perspectives on Creating Value in the Teaching and Learning Environment. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 133–146.
SERC-GC’s (formerly SERI-GC) official launch on Friday, November 17, 2017 was attended by a Japanese delegation from Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Office of International Affairs; Mr. Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Mr. Tetsuo Motoi, and Ms. Keiko Kakurai, as well as SGI Canada General Director Mr. Tony Meers, and Dr. Paul Sherman, Program Head of UofGH’s Community Social Services and SERC-GC Director. The representatives from SGI presented a book donation to the university which consisted of numerous titles related to Soka education and Soka University founder, Daisaku Ikeda’s writings and dialogues with leaders in various global arenas, such as Hazel Henderson, Linus Pauling, Laurence Lau, and Joseph Rotblat. The 38 titles will be used by the SERC-GC members during the course of their research activities, as well as being available to the entire university student and faculty community.