Student Financial Services
Student Financial Services provides services and resources to support students in managing the financial side of their university education. This webpage will provide you with information relating to student tuition and fees, payment methods, scholarships and bursaries, the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), out-of-province government student assistance programs, the Work Study Program, and T2202 & T4s (tax documents). Student Financial Services Advisors are available to provide students financial aid counselling and educate students on financial literacy and budgeting. To contact Student Financial Services or to book a virtual appointment with an Advisor please click here.
Critical Student Financial Dates
Check these critical dates regularly to make sure you never miss a payment or application deadline.
Tuition, Fees and Costs
We explain your tuition and fees, payment deadlines and how to make your payments.
Student Financial Services is available via telephone, email, and virtual appointment to assist you.
Forms and Documents
Looking for a particular Student Financial Services document? You've come to the right place.
Scholarships and Bursaries
The University of Guelph-Humber’s awards program generously recognizes academic achievement, student leadership and extracurricular activities.
OSAP and Government Aid
We’re happy to help you apply for loans and grants from OSAP and other sources of government funding.
RESP and Tax Information
When it comes to understanding your Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) and student taxes, we’re here to help. We offer advice on how you can get your RESP documents processed and what forms you need to complete your taxes.
Budgeting Tips and Resources
Try our budget calculator and get helpful tips on keeping track of your income and expenses.