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Robert Gumieniak - image

Robert Gumieniak
BA (York University), MSc (York University), PhD (York University)
Assistant Program Head Kinesiology, Academic Services

416.798.1331 ext. 6308

Dr. Robert Gumieniak has been a Kinesiology instructor at the University of Guelph-Humber since 2017. Dr. Gumieniak holds an Honours Bachelor Degree in Kinesiology from York University, where he also obtained a MSc degree in Occupational Physical Employment Standards. Dr. Gumieniak’s doctoral research included the development and implementation of a physical employment standard for safety-related occupations. Dr. Gumieniak has published several peer-reviewed publications in the area of physical employment standards. Dr. Gumieniak is a CSEP-Certified Exercise Physiologist and has been an active member since 2005.

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